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Create customized First Aid Kits for your needs

PVS offers the possibility to create customized first aid kits in terms of content and aesthetics.

In safety sector, having customized first aid kits tailored to the needs of your market and personalized in terms of aesthetics can make a difference. PVS offers a unique service that enables organizations and companies to create bespoke first aid kits not only in terms of contents but also appearance, suitable for sale both in Italy and internationally.


Creating Your Customized First Aid Kit

What sets PVS apart is the ability to customize not only the contents but also the aesthetics of the first aid kits. Here’s how:

Custom Packaging: PVS offers the option to design unique packaging for each kit in terms of graphics.

Screen Printing and Branding: To further personalize the first aid kits, PVS offers the possibility to screen print or brand directly on the first aid kits or cabinets. This allows logos, names, or essential information to be prominently displayed, making the kit easily recognizable and reinforcing its purpose.



Ideal for Your Customers

PVS’s customizable first aid kits are perfect for a variety of purposes:

  • Tailored to Your Customer Base: Whether it’s a traditional retailer or an e-commerce platform, PVS kits can be adapted to meet the target audience’s needs.
  • Brand Recognition: Having your own customized kit allows you to market a unique product.



Quality and Compliance

PVS creates personalized kits not only compliant with the legislative regulations of the reference country but also allows customization of the content with materials more suitable for the sector or field in which the kit will be sold. Upon request, specific materials requested by the customer can also be included.



Ordering Your Custom Kit

Ordering a customized first aid kit from PVS is a simple process:

  1. Consultation: Customers discuss their needs with the PVS sales team, who guide them in selecting contents, packaging, and branding options.
  2. Design and Approval: Once details are finalized, the graphic design team prepares design drafts for approval.
  3. Production and Delivery: After approval, PVS manufactures the kits according to agreed specifications and delivers them to the customer.



With PVS’s innovative approach to personalized first aid kits, safety and design can be integrated with the needs of our customers. Explore the possibilities of marketing your customized PVS products and contact us.