The selection of products in PVS First aid kits: The Prevalence of Made in Italy and Europe

When it comes to safety and health, the quality of the products we use is fundamental. PVS SPA, a leader in the first aid kit sector, stands out for its focus on quality and its commitment to supporting the local economy. Our kits are predominantly composed of products Made in Italy or Made in Europe, a choice that ensures not only the excellence of the materials but also concrete support for the local and European industry.

Quality of products

One of the main advantages of our first aid kits is the quality of the individual components. Unlike many imported products, often made with low-quality materials, our items are carefully selected to offer maximum reliability and durability. For example, the bandages included in our kits are all produced according to the strictest European standards and in Italy. This translates to greater safety and better performance in emergency situations.

Support for the Local and European Economy

By choosing Made in Italy and Made in Europe products, PVS SPA not only ensures quality but also helps support the local economy. Purchasing materials from Italian and European producers reduces reliance on imports, promotes the growth of local businesses, and creates jobs. This choice reflects our commitment to positively contributing to the community and the local economy.

High-Quality containers

Another aspect that sets our first aid kits apart is the quality of the containers. The cases and cabinets used to store the products are made in Italy, without the use of low-quality materials typical of Chinese imports. Our containers are designed to be sturdy and durable, ensuring that the contents remain protected and easily accessible when needed.

Imports only when necessary

While preferring local products, PVS SPA is committed to ensuring that all components of our kits are of the highest quality. Unfortunately, with the rise of the Eastern economy, many European factories producing certain items, such as gauze, have closed. As a result, we are forced to import these items from China, where they are still produced. However, this choice is limited only to those products for which there is no adequate European production. This balanced approach allows us to offer complete and high-quality first aid kits without compromising our mission to support the local economy.


PVS-SPA’s first aid kits embody the excellence of Made in Italy and Made in Europe. With a focus on the quality of individual products, support for the local economy, and the use of robust and durable containers, our kits are the ideal choice for those seeking reliability and safety.

Visit our website to learn more about our products and to choose the first aid kit that best suits your needs. Choose PVS SPA, choose quality.