CODES INU306YM (size M) - INU306YL (size L) - INU306YXL (size XL)



INUTEQ-DRY® is a revolutionary evaporative cooling technology. The INUTEQ-DRY® cooling solution only requires a limited quantity of water (a vest filled with 500 ml) to provide maximum cooling for 8 up to 72 hours.


Our products can be easily activated by filling them with tap water, after which the cooling process will start instantly. The cooling effect is based on the principle of natural evaporation, and therefore the result is dependent on local humidity and airflow. The INUTEQ-DRY® technology is a durable solution, all products are machine washable and have antibacterial treatment. INUTEQ-DRY® guarantees that you will stay 100% dry.


Our products will cool you down from 5ºC up to 15ºC below ambient temperature. The INUTEQ-DRY® products perform best in environments with a low to average degree of humidity. The level of airflow determines the cooling effect.


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Available M – L -XL


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