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Blisters? Treat them like this

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You’ve surely experienced blisters: annoying and sometimes painful, these small bubbles can be really tricky to treat and protect. However, if you know the steps to treat them, they can go away in just a few days. Thanks to this article read on band-aid.com, let’s discover how to properly identify, treat, and protect blisters that can form on the skin.


What are blisters?



A blister is a more or less extended protuberance that can form on the skin (typical are those that form near the feet, for example due to tight or uncomfortable shoes). They appear as real bubbles containing a watery and transparent fluid inside, but sometimes also blood (a sign that a blood vessel has been damaged).



Although blisters are typically uncomfortable and really annoying to endure, they have a sort of healing function for the human body because they allow the skin to protect itself from further damage and infections.



Thanks to correct techniques and timely bandaging, blisters can cause little discomfort and go away in a few days.


How to properly treat a blister



The most common places where blisters appear are the hands and feet – especially on the fingers. But, of course, they can appear on various parts of the body. The good news is that the process to treat them is pretty much the same for all. Usually, blisters go away on their own, but here’s what you can do to speed up healing and feel better.



  1. Gently wash the area where the blister has formed. Use lukewarm water and a mild soap, being careful not to rub the blister too much with your fingers – the risk is to burst it.
  2. If you have it, apply an antibiotic cream to speed up the healing of the area and minimize the risk of infection.
  3. Gently cover the blister with a plaster, bandage, and gauze. Check your dressing several times during the day: if you see it stained or perceive the blister breaking, immediately replace the dressing.
  4. Clean the blister and change your dressing at least once a day.


And if the blister were to open? Don’t worry!



Gently wash the area where the blister is located and do not remove the flap of skin that contained the liquid (unless you notice dirt or pus underneath, a sign of ongoing infection!).



Flatten the flap of skin that has detached from the surface and “lock” it with a plaster. Finally, change the dressing often – every time it gets wet or dirty.



Did you know how to treat and cure blisters?



These and many other tips are available for retailers of products signed by PVS Spa like our plasters, bandages, and the entire complete range of first aid and non-first aid products.


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